Dictogloss can be considered as way for integrating form and meaning in the learning context. These activities result ed interaction, collaboration, and . empowerment among the students.


'Dictogloss' is best described by Wajnryb (1990) as something that is borrowed from the more traditional dictation activity, where learners “jot down familiar words 

You should also pre-teach any difficult vocabulary. Divide the class into small groups and hand out the writing paper. Next, explain to the class that they are to listen and take notes while you read the text. Dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where learners are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down key words, which are then used as a base for reconstruction. Example Learners discuss the sea. The teacher then explains the task, and reads a short text on the sea to the class, who just listen. Dictogloss is a type of dictation activity, but rather than writing down each word as spoken by the instructor, students listen to a short text and note keywords and phrases.

Dictogloss activities

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It is a teaching technique which incorporates various activities  Furthermore, it examines if an activity such as dictogloss combined with explicit student engagement in communicative activities was the main and only goal. by students in the three treatment groups: Treatment Group 1 completed a traditional Dictogloss with the last phase being a self-reflection activity, Group 2 was  Dicto-gloss. This is an activity for intermediate to advanced learners of English. Willy Cardoso shortly explains this activity, with an example video  Dictagloss is a very useful activity that helps students to use language in order to learn.

Dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where students are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting the key words, which are then used as a basis for reconstruction. Example Learners discuss volcanoes. The teacher then explains the task, and reads a short text on volcanoes

Academic language: Dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where students are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down key words, which are then used as a base for reconstruction. It works with many short texts/passages.

Dictogloss activities

2009-09-26 · Klett Classroom Clips: Dictogloss - Duration: 2:05. ErnstKlettSprachen 4,356 views

Dictogloss activities

It can be used to review content or to investigate the language features of a model text that you are expecting students to write.

Chris Harwood (2008) Experimental Practice: dictogloss By Chris Harwood Introduction I felt it would be useful for me to experiment with using dictogloss because I believe my approach to teaching grammar is deductive (teacher centred and rules based). 2019-01-18 · Dictogloss. Dictogloss activities are great ways to demonstrate model answers.
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2020-08-16 Dictogloss is a type of dictation activity, but rather than writing down each word as spoken by the instructor, students listen to a short text and note keywords and phrases. Students then reconstruct the text using their notes as a guide.

The teacher then explains the task, and reads a short text on the sea to the class, who just listen. Dictogloss is a type of dictation activity, but rather than writing down each word as spoken by the instructor, students listen to a short text and note keywords and phrases. Students then reconstruct the text using their notes as a guide.
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Dictogloss. This activity is usually used to present a particular grammar structure. Prepare a short text which includes some examples of the target grammar form. Read the text to the students at normal speed. The first time students should just listen. Then read the text a second time and allow the students to take notes.

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